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Channeled Readings

In addition to a tarot or numerological readings, Celeste also incorporates channeling into her consultations with clients. This opens her higher consciousness up to an unlimited wealth of information that is not bound by time or space. Channeling is when a person's body is taken over by spirit to communicate important messages to others.


There will be periodic pauses during the reading, as Celeste tunes in and listens to Source. You are invited to pause too so you might listen as well and be receptive to guidance and moments of clarity. You might come with a specific concern or be open to whatever messages come from Spirit. The only requirement is to keep an open mind and actively listen. Messages sometimes come through in the forms of symbolism. You should always trust your first instinct about what that symbol means to you. You might make that connection immediately, but other times it could come to you days or weeks later, so you might want to take notes. The key is to remain open and give Celeste permission to serve as a channel for Spirit to communicate to your highest self. Namaste.




Healing The Planet Through Healing Ourselves

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