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Relevant Resources

March 20, 2020

Check out these great resources:


On You Tube:

Tania Gabrielle:

Tom Kaypacha Lescher:

Kelley Rosano:

Kari Samuels:

Matt Kahn:

Elizabeth Peru:

The Leo King

Joni Patry:

What is Shamanism?

March 20, 2020

I have been studying the path of shamanism, learning from Shamanic practitioners such as Sandra Ingerman ( and other notable experts in the field.  So, what is Shamanism, you might ask? Here are some links for more info:

"We are drawn to the ancient arts of shamanism for their enduring power to help us live a life of harmony, good health, and balance in our lives and with our planet."

—Sandra Ingerman

Upcoming Events

March 20, 2020

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Super Seven

“The Stone of Higher Consciousness”

High Vibration Crystal

Super Seven, aka Melody’s Stone, is a combination of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite, which makes it a very powerful stone. It shares the healing and metaphysical properties of each.

Super Seven is known to have a vibration that links all of humanity and guides the holder to help change the vibratory level of the whole planet. It aids personal ascension by assisting one in developing their psychic gifts, especially psychic knowing, which will aid in taking the right path for spiritual elevation.

Super Seven attunes one to it’s metaphysical abilities and triggers the development of psychic abilities to further healing and wellness on all levels for the healing of Earth. It also aids in the healing of physical, intellectual and spiritual diseases.

After one attunes to the vibration of a Super Seven stone they will come to notice a surprise arise from the mist of the crystal; a spiritual being. This being will offer guidance, support and assistance, along with some new gifts to offer, to aid one’s spiritual journey.

Super Seven brings the soul back into communication with the Divine.

Super Seven brings clarity of mind as it raises one’s vibrations to a totally new level.

Super Seven never needs to be cleansed or charged.








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